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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Benson

Creative days out with your camera

I love exploring on foot with a camera, sometimes just the camera in my mobile phone. It could be a site visit before a paid job. Just to get a feel for the place or the local area.

It doesn't even need to be a sunny day. In fact the weather can actually make the images more unique and interesting. Sometimes its good practice to think creatively in a shower or after hail or even in crisp virgin snow. The best photography vistas are usually reserved for those willing to march up a steep and muddy hill. Hey, its good, slow burn, low impact exercise too.

If you think you're getting lazy or don't have a creative eye for taking a good photo then go on an organised photo walk. As well as getting a few good tips from the organiser you'll be in a group of like minded people. It is surprising how friendly a group of strangers can be when they have a common passion and many a photo walk ends in a nice restaurant or pub with potential friends.

So go take a walk and find your focus.

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